They will help you gain some clues about your life purpose and destiny.
Make plan
now to prepare for hitting a plateau in your progress. Go get your calendar and
schedule something for 2-3 month from now. Write down something like “destiny
follow up”. You don’t have to know what it is just yet. It could be that you
review these exercises, take a class, read a book, or something practical.
the pathway to life exercise. Chose two categories that you want to work on
over the next six months.
your Life Purpose Statement. Take the time to do this, as it will help keep you
on track later. It will morph and change over time, but getting started on it
will really help you.
Create a
Life MAP for the two categories that you chose from your Pathway to Life. Be
sure to check back in 30 and 60 days to see what is working and if you need to
make any changes.
Date: _____________
Category of life: ____________________________________
My Life Purpose Statement:
What I want to accomplish:
Why I must do it:
Plan to get there:
List initial steps:
90 days:
30 days:
Actions I can take now: __________________________________________________
Set up a follow-up
date to check in and measure your results:
Check in 30 days _____________(fill in date)
How is it going?
Anything need changed?
Check in 60 days
How is it going?
Anything need changed?
Check in 90 days
How is it going?
Anything need changed?
The Secret to Happiness really boils down to living
Life with a greater sense of calling and Purpose.
This is taken from Personal Development
Written by Arshad. A