Setting Goal ’s
1.Sit down with a pen and paper and write down the
following categories:
Now, keeping in
mind your present life situation, write down under each category some things
that you would like to have, to change, or to improve upon in the near future.
Don’t think too hard about it: simply write down any ideas that come to your
mind as good possibilities.
The purpose of this exercise is to
loosen you up and get you thinking about what you want in the various areas of
your life.
2.Now list the same seven categories and, after each
one, write a paragraph or two (or however much you want!) describing your
absolute ideal situation in life, as far as you can fantasize about it.
The purpose of
this exercise is to stretch and expand you beyond your present limits, so let
your imagination take over, and really let yourself have everything you could
ever want.
When you have finished this, add one more
category—world situation/environment. Describe the kinds of changes you would
like to see happen in the world in your lifetime, if you could have the power
to change things—world peace, the end of poverty, people becoming conscious of
one another and the earth, living in harmony with nature, schools transformed
into exciting learning centers, hospitals becoming true centers of healing, and
so on. You can be as creative as you like with this category, and you may find
that you have all kinds of interesting ideas you never thought of before.
Now reread the whole thing and
meditate on it awhile. Create a mental picture for yourself of a wonderful life
in a beautiful world.
3.Again, take a fresh sheet of paper. Based on what
seems most meaningful from the ideal scene you have created above, write a list
of the ten or twelve most important goals for your life, as you feel
them to be right now. Remember you can change and revise this list at any time
(and you should do so from time to time).
4.Now write down: “Your Five-year Goals,” and
list the most important goals you would like to achieve within the next five
It’s great to write your goals in the form of
affirmations as if they have already been achieved. This helps to achieve a
clearer, stronger effect. For example:
I now own and live on twenty acres of land in
the country, with a beautiful house,
Orchards, a creek, and lots of animals.
I now support myself easily and abundantly through
leading seminars and giving speeches to
enthusiastic and appreciative audiences.
In writing your goals, be sure to put down things that
are real and meaningful to you, things that you actually want, not what you
think you should want. No one else needs ever see your goals unless you
want him or her to, and this process requires that you be totally honest with
5. Repeat the process above with your goals for
one year. Don’t make too many; if you have a lot at first, eliminate all but
the five or six most important ones. Check to see that they are in alignment
with your five-year goals. That is, make sure they are moving in the
same general direction so that when you accomplish your one-year goals, you
will be a step closer to your five-year goals. For example, if one of your five-year
goals are to own your own business, one of your one-year goals might
be to have a certain amount of money saved toward that end, or to have or to have
a job in a similar business where you are getting a certain type of experience
you will need.
Now write out your goals for six months from now, one
week from now. Again, keep it simple and choose the three or four that are most
important to you. Be realistic about how much you can accomplish in the
shorter-range goals. Again, make sure they are in alignment with your
longer-range goals.
You may find it difficult
to be so specific about events so far in the future, and you may have an
uncomfortable feeling about planning ahead. However, just making a plan does
not oblige you to follow it; in fact, you are bound to change considerably. This
exercise is for the purpose of:
practice in setting goals.
2. Acknowledging that some of your fantasies can become reality if you wish them to.
in touch with some of the important purposes and directions in your life.
Some general rules:
short-range goals (one week, one month) be fairly simple and realistic—choose
things that you are pretty sure you can accomplish unless you especially feel
like taking on a big challenge (which can be very good sometimes). The more
long-range your goal, the more expansive and imaginative you can be, so
that your horizons are constantly extended.
you find that you have not accomplished some of your goals (which will
inevitably happen), do not criticize yourself or assume that you have failed. Simply
acknowledge clearly to yourself that you have not accomplished that goal,
and decide whether you want to set it again for yourself, or whether you want
to let it go. It is most important that you acknowledge unaccomplished goals
in this way. Otherwise, they may accumulate in the back of your mind and you
will feel unconscious that you have “failed,” which will eventually make you
tend to avoid the goal-setting process.
you find that you have accomplished a goal, even a small one, be sure to
acknowledge yourself for that. Give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy at
least a moment of satisfaction about it. All too often, we accomplish our
goals, and forget to even notice or enjoy the fact that we have done so!
take on too much at once. Set goals that feel good to you. If you feel overwhelmed,
confused, or discouraged…simplify. You may want to work on goals in one
area of your life only, such as your job or your relationships. This process is
ultimate to help you enjoy your life more.
you set a lot of goals that you don’t accomplish you are probably either
setting them unrealistically high or setting goals that you don’t truly
desire and therefore have no real inner intention of pursuing. Choose goals
that you genuinely like and want, and are realistic for you.
goals should make you feel good --- uplifted, expanded, full of pleasure,
challenged. If not, find ones that do.
Article is Taken from Creative Visualization.
Life-Related Problem's:- The Peak of Sexual Pleasure.
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